I recently had the chance to conduct an intensive training for a company located near me. We met for one hour, 2x/month, for four months. It was awesome.

Normally, you’d expect this type of training to take place in some corporate setting, right? Not this time. Take a look at who asked me to help improve the lives of each staff member this time:

No need for glasses. You’re seeing that correctly. An automotive shop.

Wait, what? A bunch of mechanics have an interest in personal and professional development? Of course, but you might not typically think of that industry as leading the way in personal development. Admittedly, I didn’t.

Thanks to a progressive owner who’s changing the way we think about automotive shops, Casey’s Automotive dedicated and scheduled the time every other week to focus on both the individual and company alike. It’s no wonder they are breaking sales records and establishing long-term relationships with their customers year after year.

You are not a stereotype. You still choose who you want to be and what you want to do.

Public perception says personal development is not what automotive shops do. Casey’s owner, Bryan, says otherwise. He’s choosing to kick the stereotype to the curb. Are you?

Talk soon.


Get your hands on the book that rose to the #2 Bestseller in the Business Marketing and Self-Improvement categories this year. Click HERE.

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