Saying “it’s not you, it’s me” may be the easiest way to get out of a crappy relationship. If you’ve been on the receiving end of such a glorious conversation, it’s usually code for “I simply cant stand being with you anymore but I’m too nice to viciously hatchet your feelings.” I shudder at the memory.

Break-ups aren’t the only situation where this phrase can be used, however. Consider your current work situation. Unhappy? Unfulfilled? In this case, it actually is about you. To move forward requires acknowledging that simple, yet powerful, reality. As a matter of fact, the more inclined you are to blame others for your situation, the more likely you’ll stay stuck being victimized by it.

Your dream job might be somewhere else, possibly doing something else. It’s not your company’s responsibility to create or develop your dream job. If it happens to be with them, so be it. If not, it’s up to you to do something different.

Own your choice to pursue your purpose. It’s not them, it’s you. People decide to do things that change their lives all the time. I did it, and it was one of the best choices I’ve ever made.

You don’t have to leave your job, of course. If you’re unhappy at work, perhaps it’s time to change who you are in your job to create your desired results. This act still requires a choice, and your choices are the only things you actually control.

Interested in learning more about the power of choice and taking responsibility for your own life? Purchase my book, Dare to Matter, today!

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